Grim Energy serves the purpose of giving a tasteful wake up-call as it contains high amounts of sugar. Directly below is the logo.
Displayed below are four different flattened graphics that are to be wrapped around their designated cans. Each has an alternate face to the can that goes along with each flavor.
Here is a flattened version of the graphics that go on the container of the energy drinks. Its use of black along with red reinforce the dark feel of the product.
Mock-ups in a close range view are provided below, to get a better view of the interesting details on each face of the cans.
Here is a mock-up of the cans at a distance, to give a better view of the product designs.
Lastly are the cans beside their container to see the entire project as a whole. The use of similar design components such as the line width and use of the color black in an effective manner are what keeps the consistency among the these cans and their package.

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